WLS-P06 Type I
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Above, WLS-P02 Type II P-1
Not postally used

The card shows PPC No. 2 and a Stamp Box with omitted text, and a missing Printer’s Imprint, as is the nature of this P-1 variety.

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Above, WLS-P02 Type II P-2

Postally used from Toronto with a Toronto Flag D cancel on a 1¢ QV Numeral to Sussex N.B. on September 24, 1898 to C.W. Stockton Esq. Note the two line attribution at the bottom of the address box.

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WLS-002 P-3

The design of this variety is the same as variation P-2, however P-3 has a single line printer’s attribution rather than the two lines of P-2.

This card has been mailed August 2, 1902 from Digby NS to Hazleton Pennsylvania.

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The P-4 variety

The variation above shows Imprint B and PPC/stamp box no. 9, not known to Gates, designated here as P-4.

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Above, WLS-P02 Type II P-5

Note this variety omits the “Private Post Card” text and the Stamp Box, consistent with a business card printing of the postcard. J.C. Wilson & Co. would print custom printing on the cards for 75¢ per thousand or less impressions.

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Above, WLS-P02 Type II P-7

Note this variety provides the “Private Post Card” text but omits stamp box.

Below, a used version.

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Above, WLS-P02 Type II P-7

Note this variety provides the “Private Post Card” text but omits stamp box.

Below, a used version.

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WLS-P06 Type I⏐Business Use by J.C. Wilson & Co.

J.C. Wilson used their patriotic postcards for their own business use. Below are examples using the WLS-P06 Type I design.
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Above, the reverse of the card showing J.C. Wilson’s product line, and advising that “We are publishing 2 new postal cards. will be issued 25th [next?]”. This likely refers to WLS-009 and WLS-010.

Below, the front of a WLS-007 P-4 card postmarked July 18, 1899 with a Montreal Flag postmark on a QV 1¢ Numeral sent to Chas. A. Muldeus in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
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Above, a J.C. Wilson & Co. advertisement back on a WLS-007 P-3 postcard, matching the design of the WLS-008 advertisement.
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Above and below, an unused WLS-007 P-6 card advertising patriotic postcards by J.C. Wilson. The ad notes the 5 designs that had been issued by that date in 1898.
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A new variety of J. C. Wilson advertising on a WLS-P06 Type I postcard. The text reads:

Wilson’s Patriotic Cards and Envelopes; (4 designs)
Cards $2.00 per 1000, Envelopes $3.00 per thousand
Sample 100 assorted sent by mail, post paid, 50 cents.

WLS-P06 Type I⏐Business Use

A number of businesses chose to use J.C. Wilson’s patriotic postcards for their business use. Below are examples using the WLS-P06 Type I design.
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An interesting card used by W.T. Rundle, Meat and Cattle Dealer,Dundalk, August 22, 1898, signed by W.T. Rundle. What makes the card more interesting is the extension printed information on Dundalk, which states:

Dundalk Canada

Population 800; on C. P. R. ; is chief market town for the magnificent grazing and grain townships of Proton, Melancthon, Osprey and Artemesia. Chief exports—Dairy produce, coarse grains, lumber and wood ; it is also the chief shipping point in Grey for poles, ties, cedar posts, tanbark, ornamental trees, etc., industries which furnish employment for a large number of the residents ; has 3 large elevators, 2 steam saw mills, large woollen mill, foundry, tannery, cheese and planing factories. 1*. is the largest shipping point between Owen Sound and Orangeville and one of the best localities in the province for a grist mill, stave, or furniture factory. With good churches, graded public school, low taxes and cheap markets it is THE town for retired farmer many of whom have already located in it. In a few years It will undoubtably be among the prettiest and most picturesque as it is now among the liveliest and most prosperous of the younger towns of the province. The abundance of beautiful shade and ornamental trees combined with the high latitude makes the hottest weather cool and refreshing and the coldest days healthy and pleasant. The Citizens' Silver Band is reputed to be one of the best in the Province. Dundalk is the angler's paradise ; the Roehottom, Mad and Nottawasaga are said to be among the best trout preserves in Canada. During the winter season two large curling and skating rinks furnish healthy amusement. For a safe and profitable investment Dundalk offers advantages not excelled by any other town, Best hotel accommodation north of Toronto.

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An ad for the sale of imported fruit, noting:

Office of Bell, King & McLaren, Montreal
May 31st, 1898
Maryland Strawberries
We have a car of Elegant Strawberries due THURSDAY JUNE 2nd, and will ship you at
14¢ per Cup, 60 to the Crate.
The fruit is fine and will stand up for days. Order early, as they will all sold day of arrival.
Yours truly, Bell, King & McLaren

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An American use by Geo. H. Friend Paper and Tablet Co., West Carrollton, Ohio, which states:

Admiral Nelson Said

Before the battle of Trafalgar: “England expects every man to do his duty”. A wag reports that Dewey said before the battle of Manila: “America expects every man to do his Spaniard”. We expect every Stationer to buy the ADMIRAL PENCIL TABLET. Eight ships, ten colors and gold. Great hit, price right, regular hot cake, slae going on right now. Come early.

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An unused card by L.V. Shaw, No. 39 Hathorne St., Salem, Mass., with an image of an eagle carrying arrows in its talons.
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A postally used example postmarked Montreal Nov 15, 1898 from G.M. Farrington, in Picton, Ontario, with the text:

Merchant Tailor, Headquarters for Fine Clothing
Men’s Furnishings, Importer of Fine Hats and Caps,
Importer of Fine Woollens, sole agent for “Fit-Reform Clothing”.
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Above, WLS-007 P-2, with printing:

“Middleton Metal Works,
Plumbing, Furnace and
Hot Water Heating,
Estimates Given
Mulhall Bros., Props.
Middleton, N.S.”

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This business use of a WLS-007 P-2 card, below, is the second card used by the Binscarth Hotel, below. See also the WLS-003 listings.
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A hotel use from Queen’s Royal Hotel of Niagara On The Lake, dated June 17, 1898.
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Another hotel use, by Queen’s Hotel in Montreal, with the text:

When in Montreal, Stop at the Queen’s
The only Fire-Proof Hotel in the CIty
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Above, the back of the card showing an ad for C.A. Batcheller. Montreal “Representing Sawyer & Massey Co. of Hamilton, Ont., Manufacturers of Stone Crushers, Rollers, Engines & Road Graders.”

Below, WLS-007 P-1 unused.
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Above, a WLS-007 P-2 card used November 21, 1898 with an Annapolis squared circle cancellation mailed to New York, USA. Used by A.M. King, Tailor, Clothier, Hatter & Gents Outfits.
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Above and below, WLS-007 P-2 post card postally used June 10, 1898 by Canadian Asbestos Co. of Montreal to Sydney Mines, north of North Sydney, Cape Breton, NS., which, at the time was one of the top coal producing areas in North America.

The Canadian Asbestos Co. also used a Flag That Braved cover for business use,
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Above, an F.E. Atteaux & Co. advertisement back on a WLS-007 P-2 postcard, mailed from Boston, Massachusetts USA to Mitchell Ontario on June 17, 1898.
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WLS-007 P-1 used for advertising the Howard Furnace Co. of Berlin, Limited. Postmarked Berlin, Ontario, July 20, 1898, on a 1¢ QV Leaf stamp mailed to Mr. Richard Bond of Galt, Ontario, with a Galt July 21 receiving cancellation.
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Above, back of a WLS-007 P-1 card postally used June 3, 1898 from Augusta Maine, USA to New York City with an ad from Comfort Magazine to potential advertisers. Comfort Magazine was published from 1888 to 1942. J.C. Wilson actively courted American companies for their use of J.C. Wilson cards; this card shows that marketing was successful.
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Above, back of a WLS-007 P-3 card dated November 1, 1898 with an ad from J.O. Filteau, Libraire, 27, rue Buade, Quebec for the sale of Canadian postage stamps, mint and used.
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Above, an M. Davis printing on the back of a J.C. Wilson postcard, with M. Davis’s scenic view of Niagara Falls along with the text “Niagara Falls, Canada” and “SOUVENIR”. M. Davis was a prolific publisher of scenic views of Niagara Falls on a range of different J.C. Wilson patriotic postcards. The card was used April 18, 1900.
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Above, an M. Davis back on a WLS-007 P-3 postcard, matching the design of the WLS-003 postcard with the M. Davis handstamp. The card was postally used from Niagara Falls Centre, Ontario on March 6, 1900 to St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
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Above, back of a J.C. Wilson WLS-007 P-2 patriotic postcard showing an ad by W.L. Flaherty, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchant, Niagara Falls, Ontario, postally used June 10, 1898. The scene of Niagara Falls may have been printed by M. Davis of Niagara Falls Centre, Ontario.
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Another view of Niagara Falls, used by Queen’s Park Bazaar, Zybach & Co., Proprietors, with the text:

When in Niagara Falls don’t fail to descend by elevator to Table Rock and go behind the Great Horseshoe Falls, Canadian side.
Elevator, Dress and Guide, only 50 Cents.
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Above, another WLS-007 P-2 card used by a Hotel, this time Hotel LaFayette in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The card was postally used from Niagara Falls Ontario with a 1¢ QV Numeral stamp and a Niagara Fall, Ontario CDS cancellation dated August 8, 1898, sent to Toledo, Ohio, USA.
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Above, the text:

A Hot Time in the Old Town
Old Time Sports
Come to Kentville
on May 24, 1899
Sports will take Place Rain or Shine

(overlaid with a handwritten message (about 2 weeks after the event)

Below, front of WLS-007 P-3 postmarked June 7, 1899 with a Halifax & Yarmouth M.C. Eastbound cancellation, and a Bass River receiver.

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A use by W.M. Knowles & Co. of Montreal, to the Protestant Insane Asylum in Verdun Quebec, May 30, 1899, with the text:

Order Dept. Telephone Mount 94
Yard: Hillside Ave, Westmount

Westmount, May 1899

Dear Sir,
We beg to quote you the following prices for Coal:

Egg size $5.50 per net ton
Furnace size $5.50 per net ton
Stove size $5.75 per net ton
Nut size $5.75 per net ton
Delivered and put in bins
Coal in bags 25 cts. extra.

4228 St. Catherinet St. Westmount

We advise our customers to book their orders as soon as possible, as prices are likely to advance.
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Above, the back of the card showing an ad for A.J. Nickerson & Co., Wholesale Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars and Fruit Syrups, written to S.B. Coffin of Barrington NS to confirm payments.

Below, WLS-007 P-2 postmarked in Yarmouth NS, September 1, 1898.
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Above, WLS-007 P-6 with an inked stamping from O’Neal & Hobin, General Merchants, Welland, Ontario.

WLS-P06 Type I⏐Other Interesting Uses

Examples of other interesting WLS-P06 Type I design postcards.
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This particular card was mailed from Niagara Falls, Ontario to Guatemala, and has a Hamilton transit stamp June 19, 1900, and a Guatemala receiver July 12, 1900. The card bears a 2¢ QV Leaf stamp.

The card was overprinted for business use by Queen’s Park Bazaar, Zybach & Co., Proprietors.
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Mailed from Montreal on December 16, 1898 to Glasgow, Scotland with a flag cancel on a 2¢ Map stamp.
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Mailed from Montreal on August 7, 1899 to Baltimore MD. USA with a flag cancel on a 2¢ Map stamp.

This card is ex. the collection of Hugh Westgate.
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Mailed from Montreal, August 2, 1898 to Surrey, England with a late use of a 5¢ Small Queen stamp cancelled with a flag cancel.
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Another 5¢ rate use to England, this time to Essex, from Hamilton on August 11, 1898, with a 3¢ QV Numeral and a pair of 1¢ QV Numerals.
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One of the very scarce uses of a J.C. Wilson cards within Newfoundland from Harbour Grace, Oct 22, 1900 to St. John’s, with a 1¢ QV stamp.
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